Monday, November 09, 2009


Life goes on.



Queenie said...

I hope he ate it all.

Huw said...

Ah, the dilated pupils of a smug yet excited cat.

I came to praise my hunters rather than scold them; rare were the times I saw them that animated.

Anonymous said...

oh dear - still it's not the dead stuff I mind as much as the nearly dead stuff...

Shane said...

Q - Eat it all, no... same organ - doorstep.

Huw - Dilated, smug, excited... see comment below.

HU - I hear that in some places (Soho, Amsterdam, Cambridge) you can pay money to watch specialist entertainments through windows. I guess this is maybe what that's all about.

Pat said...

Cripes! Is that real? Quelle monstre!
At least it got you back:)

Carnalis said...

Good, i think. At least, i hope it is mostly the good bit that continues.

Shane said...

Pat - It's as real as it is big.
C - My focus is improved, is healthier.